Open Daily
10 AM - 4 PM
Phone number: (610) 469-0533
Fax: (610) 469-0537
1710 Ridge Road
Pottstown, PA 19465
For general information, steps on how to retire your horse at Ryerss Farm, how to volunteer, or special donations, please call or email
For more information on hours, horse admissions, sponsorships, volunteering, tours, or general questions, please call our office at (610) 469-0533.
For Barn Management inquiries, please call (484) 944-2143.
President: Samuel W. M. Griffin
Vice President: Peter Giangiulio
Secretary: Nancy R Schwab
Treasurer: Frank Reilly DVM
Eileen Corl
Nancy R. Schwab
Lynn Seeburger
Shirley Fox
Doug Barr Sr.
William H. Venditta
Elizabeth Atterbury
Esther B. Gansky
Anne F. Hamilton
Susan Leary
Collin F. McNeil
Carl J. Meister, Jr.
Paula Menghetti
Janice H. Murdoch
Gail B. Thayer
Wes Hardin